Friday, November 28, 2008

Tea is an aromatic beverage made from the cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and it is also commonly used to refer to the plant itself. I will also be covering tisanes (herbal teas) which are any teas not mader from the camellia sinensis plant.

Tea drinking started in China a very long time ago, it is traditionally thought that tea was discovered by the second emperor shen nung in 2737 BC. But it was in 350 AD that the first description of drinking tea is written in a Chinese dictionary.
Tea is now consumed Worldwide and is popular in china, Japan, india, morocco, Ireland, the UK and many other countries.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Hello, my name is Eoin and I'm a student from Wesley College. I've created this blog as part of my Transition Year program.
The subject I have chosen to write my blog on is World Teas. I've chosen this I'm very interested in teas and different teas and cultures surrounding the teas worldwide, I will be covering teas of all types. This is the first of many entries.
